Monday, January 4, 2010

the white angel...

doctor doctor shouts the mother
as cries of her child echoes the corridor
no time to whine no time to think
the white angel is brought to the brink...
the pipes the tubes n the oxygen cylinder
rushed thru the doors of the operation theater
the eyes of the doctor meet the eyes of the mother
as the white angel enters the arena of death n gore
a little stich here a little cut there
he finishes the job with xtreme care
here comes the doctor with a smile of contentment
as the mother luks at him in utter amazement
she bursts into tears of gratitude n debt
as she kisses the hands of god without any fret......
doctor doctor cries sumone's kin
as he rushes into his world again
no time to whine no time to think
the white angel is brought to the brink...........

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