Monday, January 4, 2010

to SACHIN TENDULKAR....the gr8test batsman to hv graced the ground.....

wen the sun is still red on the horizon
the white gulls fly away to their destination
on a green turf a thump is heard
that thunders n roars far away into the stands
the far cry the uproar n the ceremonious trumpet
the pause the stir n the menacing wrath
the dance the swing n the followthru
n it lands in the deep dungeons of the rival crew
hit it!! belt it!! the mob cries
as the " the little master" towers the angry skies
the stance the composure n the nudge down the ground
n again the killer blow rite out of the oval ground
it goes on till the dead of the nite
wen the sun is gone n the moon is bright
"the god" falters at the brink of victory
as his fight goes down as the finest in history
THE CREATOR exclaims ,"wat a character !! wat a man !!"
as the gladiator walks away to the hall of fame......

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