Monday, January 4, 2010

this is gross...!!

wen i rite sumthin,i jst flex my forearms...loosen up...crackle my fingers...n jst spit it out...i jst letgo of my inhibitions my restraints n jst stamp my autograph on the paper...its my style...the sigma of a carefree bastard!!!no thoughts watsoever...its a prodigy i m born with n i ll die with it...i don care wat i write flatters u or strikes the sensitive chord of urs bt i care to rite wenever i want oppressions nothin...m the wizard of my own words...i don give a damn...i feel gud wen i m astray...i feel nerve endings tickle...oh!!wat a sensation...ya, m an egotist...full of madness...m a crazy crook...n i njoy bein the same...that is the difference betwn u n me...i widen the gap...i like to b ahead of the curve!! i crave fr deviations...contradictions...distractions...i feel detached...
i dont feel nothin
no shrieks frm within
no qualms abt nothin
no struggle no fightin
nothin jst nothin!!
oh fuck!!!wat m i writin....
u hv a problem with it??
go n puke out everythin!!!
before readin it jst beware frm the beginnin....

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