Monday, January 4, 2010

to my kindergarten frens.....

broodin on sumthin on my cot
i luk into my memory pot
i find u all at every stop
cos u all hover in my thoughts...
the chatter splatters across my window panes
ur smiles paint themselves on glass frames
the fights the frowns n the unendin games
show me the way to the past,friends??
the taste of luv n the bitterness of the same
the unity in times of frustration n bane
we stood by each other thru stife n strain
i ll remember dose days till i wane...
the fun the feelings stay on
its the clock dat is tickin on
its the world dat is movin on
bt dose innocent priceless times
help me to gather the memories divine...
lets keep knittin the threads of our relationship
cos we live n die over our never endin frenship....

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