Monday, January 4, 2010

the leaves...

strewn on the ground
the leaves try to fly
bt they dont knw the wind
its selfish n its sly
they r dry n pale,cos
they lost their greenery
in the hot summer trail
i pick one up
its brittle n its rough
put it in my diary
turn around n hop
a gust of dry wind
smack my face
those dry leaves
sway in the hot furnace
no strength watsoever
the might of the wind
ravage them over n over
i open my bag in a hurry
try to catch the leaves
under the nature's fury
o!!those helpless little twigs
i gather as much as i can
put them in my bag
until its over n done
i turn my feet back home
in a hurry i jog into my room
open my bag n i see
all the leaves hv got back there greenish hue
flabbergasted i drop my bag
wen a gust of wind
thrust me in my back
i fall on my bed
n there go the leaves outta my window
wid the unyieldin wind
till it makes them bite the ground
i ponder wat's nature tryin to say??
may be its the balance,that's
bein maintained neway
i open my diary to pick the helpless leaf
n i stood helpless watchin
as it too flew away in the windy streak...

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