Monday, January 4, 2010

room no 2....

in one of the hostel corridors
lived the three musketeers
waited fr their waterloo
in room no 2
toiled day in n day out
they tried 2 stay put
bt there was no way
so they went astray!!
music was their choice of hearts
boomed eachday with thunderclaps
created a world of their own
nt knwin the proximity of their doom!!
cared fr heaven nor fr hell
their fortune turned in2 death knell!!
their life was stinkin stale
days slowly turned pale
they clung 2 one another
cos adversity brought them closer
they try 2 fight back
with a filter cigarette pack!!
get together fr the final battle
with a dozen of beer bottles!!
cos they knw hw much they try
hw much they cry
they ll face their waterloo
in the jinxed room no2...

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