Monday, January 4, 2010


with a rusty desert eagle .50
sultan trotted in the snow
with a bleedin arm n fractured finger
he waited fr the humdinger
night was dark n viciously cruel
he wasnt aware wats in store fr real
he sobbed thinkin of wat he had done
he knw all his frns were long gone
sittin down under a stalactite
he slept away the sly nite
in his sleep he had a dream
of cut-heads in a blood stream
palpitated n agitated he got up
feelin the pain bt numb in the shock
screams of agony, pain n terror
was all that he cud remember
with blood drenched hands
n a fluctuatin mind
he load the gun in no time
puttin the gun on his forehead
he asked god to forgive n forget
the sound of metal echoed the woods
as sultan fell flat near the brook....

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