Monday, January 4, 2010

autumn tweety....

its yellow everywhere
no greeneries nowhere
i stand n merely stare
oh! its slender n its rare...
its borne on a twig so fair
the wind sways it far n near
its the beauty so clear
the love of king faramir...
its the 'autumn tweety' they say
carved in thorns
its here to stay...
poison darts bow n crafts
made of its tensile parts
its the flower so tender
kills the enemy down under...
but come spring
come the days of zing
and the flower of 'gollum'
wilts in the sun n its mystic song...
the tales r a mere myth
the flower mocks in grief
its the king who dies
its the kingdom which suffices.....
again comes the autumn season
the rays reflect in mirrors n prisms
n again the 'autumn tweety' dances
when the new king crowns
n takes his mighty chances......

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