Monday, January 4, 2010

wen two souls meet...

when 2 souls meet
life starts wid a heartbeat
nourished with emotions
fondled with care
it blossoms into a heavenly flower

den,problems arise,misunderstandings galore
love rushes out of the back door
pain intervenes,ego supervenes
life becomes a bad omen
relationships in mayhem

they try 2 reconcile
adapt for a while
compromises become the order of the day
no matter how much they try
how much they cry
broken bonds are hard to tie

long gone is the love they shared
gone r the days when they cared
they know its time 2 call it a day
bcos dere is simply no other way

the two souls separate exactly
the way they met, n,
life stops as if it never started
wid a beat.....

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