Monday, January 4, 2010

the sun...

i watch the settin sun thru my window n i think wat really makes it go down below the horizon...the next mornin i see the same sun shoot up like a fire balloon into the blue n i feel hw does it sink n rise in such a small span of time???the audacity with which it embarks its journey thruout the day is inspirin...its transition makes me feel envious...the sun makes me believe dat there is a universal law of again i thnk...if the sun is a part of nature so m i...if it sinks n rises so do i...i too hv the perseverance,the doggedness,the never say die attitude...i feel like the sun is within me...i can feel the aura...the halo...m waitin fr the transition ...the change...i feel like i can outshine neone netime...yes!!the sun is inside me...its my source of ATP...yeah!!i m 'THE SUN'.

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