Monday, January 4, 2010

the joker...

tadah!!and here comes the joker
while we r playin a game of poker
with war paint n a scary scar
strts showin a trick of cards
we laugh at the joker's trick
not knwin he is an old prick
suddenly sumone calls him a freak
the joker brings out his knife
n says"why so serious,dick??"
we watch the gory
as the joker tells a story
we watch in fright
as he kills the man downright
he robs the bar with a knife n a lint
limps out n throws in a packet of mint
i go 2 pick the pack up
nt knwin wats in the stock
i pick it up to throw it away
cos dere is no other way
the pack explodes in my hand
the whole place turns to sand
far away the joker grins
fr he n only he knws"everythin burns."

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