Monday, January 4, 2010


today is a great day my frns...cos today we begin afresh...we cater to new horizons...we reach beyond our limits...we fight our fears...n most importantly we learn to survive...the winds of change r mysterious...their is a veil obliviating our still march on folks!!...cos the distance we traverse r measured by the adventures we encounter...Frens,today of all days is a day of reckoning...its a whisper which can thunder in times to cums wid a msg,"watever we can, we must" much fr the love n sacrifices of our forefathers...the flags of our forefathers sway in these winds of change...n its us who must carry dem across distant today my frens is not only a day after yesterday but a day bfore 2moro too...cherish it!!...muster all ur strength...gather all ur positive spirits...n embrace a new beginning...let the carnival begin...unleash all the inhibitions...n let today b the spark which kindles the fiery chasm of pomp n prosperity...hip hip hurray!!!

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