Monday, January 4, 2010

saheb n bismillah....

in the murky lanes of baghdad
lived a clairvoyant christened 'sahib'
toiled under a date-palm tree
never got a fortune seeker

wid a pile of tarrot cards
n a heap of sweet nothings
he mouthed satanic verses
n flung a few curses

then one day a nobody passed by
enchanted was he
petrified was he
to see the ill-clad fortune teller

he thought to visit
the man under the date-palm tree
he trotted towards him
wid the air of a 'man who knws his own fortune'

sahib greeted him with humility
n said 'bismillah' seat down plz
stunned 2 hear his name
he managed a wry smile

peekin in2 his eyes
sahib stacked the pile of cards
then asked him 2 choose one
he pulled a card out with the same confident air

turnin the card the sahib said
u r gonna die in 10 days
bismillah was unperturbed
nor was he disturbed

he stood up gave the sahib sum dinars
turned around n vanished
to the astonishment of the sahib
the dinars turned to a pile
then to a heap
then to a big bag of fortune

the clairvoyant pondered
was he 'allah'??
or was he a 'mystic'??
everythin remained unanswered

nw on the death bed after 10 days
when the sahib closed his eyes
the man's face was the only thing which flashed
n dere flew his soul in2 the far far away world
with his last words..BISMILLAH.......

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