Monday, January 4, 2010


runnin down the crooked lane
i try 2 catch a paper plane
stumble upon a marble stone
i fall down on my own
fallin frm a great height
i hit the bottom in utter fright
into the gutter of filth n smear
i cum to land in the valley of fear
it's the kingdom of bones n skulls
of crazy serpents n hazy falls
entwinin my whole bloody torso
the phantom lady tells sumthin which it foresaw
the day is near wen i ll tear
the book of my great old peers
frm the fire the phoenix rose
like a man frm drug overdose
i tried to run frm the valley of fear
scratchin my way outta dere
bt sumthin held the back of my vest
wen i tried 2 make a desperate quest
pantin n gaspin i arose
frm the nightmare cos of my diazepam dose
still thinkin wat dreams r all about
r they fr real or just only a tout??

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