Thursday, January 28, 2010


He is nw infront of me
n then he is beside me
hey,it follows me sumtimes
bt its with me almost everytime..!!
he never changes his hue
n always sticks to the ground
he is stubborn n persists with me
even wen all the mob is around..!!
its the darkness we both fear
good or evil we both endure
we r both pals fr life
nothin we achieve is without strife..!!
its the inevitable we both wait fr
no one ll b with me till the end fr sure
bt u my best frnd is sure to stay
till the pyre wer i ll lay..!!
like the fireflies i ll fly
thru the fire into the sky
i ll wait fr u in my afterlife
wer there is no gloom n only light..!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the fate of unrequited love..

this is a story of a
beautiful woman n her
poignant luv fr a handsum man....
on the green fields of trance
where the sunflowers dance
she dances with dem
with the zest of a butterfly
and sways with dem
lyk a painted kite in the sky...
she yearns fr her man
with the longing of a lifetime
as her locks fall on the blossoms
flirting with dem everytime...
its been 4 years since the terrible partin
bt the luv of the lady is never-ending
sumthing in her still eggs her to sing
to bring back her luv in the times of spring...
this is the story of a woman
n her unrequited luv fr a man...
on the green fields of trance
where the sunflowers dance
she hymns to them
on the banks of river thai
and waits fr him
with a drop of tear in her eye...

Monday, January 18, 2010

an evening with "miss piggychops"....

oh look!! there she is
walkin by a lanky lane n shabby shops
dey call her "miss piggychops"...
ohh!! she is nice
like a doll bt with price...
my my!! the smile on her face
n pink on her cheeks
n the pic on her twinky top...
ohh!! she is hot
like a steamin tea-pot...
oh gosh!! the style the walk
n the gentle whisper
n the subtle shift in her demeanor...
ohh!! she is sly
like a truth but a lie...
oh boy!! the wave the blink
n the air-kiss thereafter
n downdere my knees r water...
(n the only thought..)
ohh!! she is mine
lyk the eternal sunshine
of my spotless mind...
oh lord!! her walk down the lane
the pink smile on her face again..
i keep starin at the lady in green
as we disappear in the evening rain...

Monday, January 4, 2010

wen two souls meet...

when 2 souls meet
life starts wid a heartbeat
nourished with emotions
fondled with care
it blossoms into a heavenly flower

den,problems arise,misunderstandings galore
love rushes out of the back door
pain intervenes,ego supervenes
life becomes a bad omen
relationships in mayhem

they try 2 reconcile
adapt for a while
compromises become the order of the day
no matter how much they try
how much they cry
broken bonds are hard to tie

long gone is the love they shared
gone r the days when they cared
they know its time 2 call it a day
bcos dere is simply no other way

the two souls separate exactly
the way they met, n,
life stops as if it never started
wid a beat.....

my alterego n i...

the king n the pawn
masters of the game
fight with passion
never die with shame

the magician n the comedian
wizards of the show
start with an enchant
end with a 'wow'

the love n the loved
lives of each other
share n get shared
never stop lovin one another

my alterego n I
try 2 tolerate eachother
try 2 drive it away
but knw cant live without it either.....

wen i was a child...

wen i was a child
i wondered to feel
the gentle breeze
upon the hill

wen i was a teen
i was enchanted to touch
the mesmerisin lillies
on my aunt's porch

wen i was a boy
i felt coy to look
't the most beautiful eyes
across the brook

nw i m a man
n i knw that
the hills,the lillies
the eyes,the brook
r long gone....
wats left is a lonely
body who has left his
soul far far away long ago.......

the golden mouse...

once upon a time
long long ago
two friends were
partners in crime

one was shrewd
full of zeal
other was shy
no more than a nerd

one fine morning
they started to think
about there new heist
an idea started to zing

they planned to steal
sumthing priceless
sumthin ethereal
under sum rich man's heel

they broke into the house
in the dead of the night
searched the house
for 'the golden mouse'

they found the treasure
then suddenly a sound
they both ran
without takin half measure

they ran n ran
found a place to conceal
bide there time
n said' it was fun'

then they opened the box
but couldnt believe it
there was no mouse
but an' wooden ox'

filled with rage
frustrated wid anger
threw the ox
into the ocean down under

the wooden ox
trotted into the sea
reached the bottom
hit a rock

the wooden ox flipped
from inside came out
'the golden mouse' that quipped

saheb n bismillah....

in the murky lanes of baghdad
lived a clairvoyant christened 'sahib'
toiled under a date-palm tree
never got a fortune seeker

wid a pile of tarrot cards
n a heap of sweet nothings
he mouthed satanic verses
n flung a few curses

then one day a nobody passed by
enchanted was he
petrified was he
to see the ill-clad fortune teller

he thought to visit
the man under the date-palm tree
he trotted towards him
wid the air of a 'man who knws his own fortune'

sahib greeted him with humility
n said 'bismillah' seat down plz
stunned 2 hear his name
he managed a wry smile

peekin in2 his eyes
sahib stacked the pile of cards
then asked him 2 choose one
he pulled a card out with the same confident air

turnin the card the sahib said
u r gonna die in 10 days
bismillah was unperturbed
nor was he disturbed

he stood up gave the sahib sum dinars
turned around n vanished
to the astonishment of the sahib
the dinars turned to a pile
then to a heap
then to a big bag of fortune

the clairvoyant pondered
was he 'allah'??
or was he a 'mystic'??
everythin remained unanswered

nw on the death bed after 10 days
when the sahib closed his eyes
the man's face was the only thing which flashed
n dere flew his soul in2 the far far away world
with his last words..BISMILLAH.......


i m no god,no super power,no i m a human,a mortal human who has cum to this world nt thru ne mystic portal bt outta my mother's womb.....i m nt special,nt extraordinary,nt importante.... neither am i powerful nor intelligent....i am certainly nt the king nor am i the
leader.....i hv no demands no wants no dreams no sacrifices.....

oh cum on.... i may not b a super i hv it in me to do wat a normal human being can do....i may not b intelligent bt i m diligent.....i may not b powerful,special n i m surely nt weak...i m strong in my own way... m special dats y i was born...i breathed fresh air....felt mother's luv...learnt frm father's sacrifices....n most importantly learnt 2 live...i may not b a i m a leader of my own ideologies...i guide them...i knw i m not a king bt i m certainly nt a slave either.....n i hv demands...wants...dreams....that is wat lyf is all abt...isnt it???

its nt abt hw much u live...its abt hw much u live in every passin second of lyf....


i m here
i m there
i m nowhere
i m everywhere

i live
i die
i love
i hate

i give
i take
i teach
i learn

i show
i hide
i trust
i deceive

i think
i plan
i sleep
i dream

i woe
i cry
i laugh
i grieve

i hurt
i heal
i rise
i fall

i earn
i pay
i loot
i give it away

who am i??
who am i??

yes,i m noone
n yet i m everyone......

march towards martyrdom...

the end is coming
i can see it
the people
the priests
the fire
the mourning
yes the end
alas!all things i fought fr undone
i fly away wid a soggy heart
burdened under a boggy soul
i dint choose it
it was chosen fr me
the end the inevitable
lyf is lik that
an unexpected turn
or a dead end...
mine comin near at last
i ll wait bt wait fr good
i ll better my fate
i ll nt sink
i ll not die a hypocrite
creepin towards the feet of yama
rather i ll die a hero
n march towards martyrdom......

my mother...

she is a pleasant rain in dis hot summer
a flowin ganges by the arid lanes
a shelterin flora on this barren earth
a beauty in dis distorted world

she is a tru luv in the time of war
a diva in the land of devils
a mystic laugh amidst the sorrows
an ice-pack on the achin wounds

she is an epitome of sacrifice
a symbol of divinity
a caligraphy on the sands of time
a vision that moulds lives

she is a shakespearan literature
a mozart's symphony
but a common woman still
my 'MOTHER'....
n i luv her....

my swan song....

strollin down the memory lane
i find myself all alone
writhin in the excruciatin pain
i long fr luv again
my days r numbered they say
i knw dere is no other way
fr my deeds i hv 2 pay
and live 2 die another day
i lived in fear all my life
lost my children lost my wife
i knw its nt worth the strife
my fate still hangin over the knife
m waitin fr the pandemonium 2 begin
take me lord take me in!!
spare me frm their horrifyin grin
cos i m a void within
i was always lost in the dreary mong
my life puffin out of the bong
as i wait fr the clock's ding-dong
and that ll b my SWAN SONG...

the joker...

tadah!!and here comes the joker
while we r playin a game of poker
with war paint n a scary scar
strts showin a trick of cards
we laugh at the joker's trick
not knwin he is an old prick
suddenly sumone calls him a freak
the joker brings out his knife
n says"why so serious,dick??"
we watch the gory
as the joker tells a story
we watch in fright
as he kills the man downright
he robs the bar with a knife n a lint
limps out n throws in a packet of mint
i go 2 pick the pack up
nt knwin wats in the stock
i pick it up to throw it away
cos dere is no other way
the pack explodes in my hand
the whole place turns to sand
far away the joker grins
fr he n only he knws"everythin burns."

the wall...

the wall is tall,very tall
impregnable yet visceral
unguarded yet unfathomable
is it fr real or a fable??
eons n ages still it stands erect
nature's fury hasnt made it rust
it fancies itself while others wilt
the wall is wat they had built
i sit by it luk up 2 it
mesmerised by its aura
i take inspiration frm it
it has stories to tell
of brave knights
and bloody war fights
memoirs etched on it
boast of its legendary tale
sky above n earth below
sneer at this great wall
survives the sands of time
its surreal n its sublime
will it fade away??
will it turn grey??
fall down on a wary day!!
i watch with vigil if it stays put
legends lyk it r made of iron gut
it is bound 2 stand the test of time
n make this relation-a bond of a lifetime...


deep down within
the men in a whim
guard a city of tales
known as acropolis
they r in a rage
devoured by the craze
to conquer n to capture
things created by nature
polished swords n rugged shields
maketh the city of acropolis
great wars n fiery battles
make its skin rattle
cruelty n atrocity
give it a feel of tenacity
death whispers in its ear
wen it loses sumone dear
bt the men fight it out
n crush the odd man out
cos they believe it isn't tepidity
to fight fr their loyalty
fr they knw it is gr8 to cherish
the city of acropolis
fr they r the the one who relish
the luv fr the city of acropolis....

room no 2....

in one of the hostel corridors
lived the three musketeers
waited fr their waterloo
in room no 2
toiled day in n day out
they tried 2 stay put
bt there was no way
so they went astray!!
music was their choice of hearts
boomed eachday with thunderclaps
created a world of their own
nt knwin the proximity of their doom!!
cared fr heaven nor fr hell
their fortune turned in2 death knell!!
their life was stinkin stale
days slowly turned pale
they clung 2 one another
cos adversity brought them closer
they try 2 fight back
with a filter cigarette pack!!
get together fr the final battle
with a dozen of beer bottles!!
cos they knw hw much they try
hw much they cry
they ll face their waterloo
in the jinxed room no2...

just in case...

just in case i fritter away
u hold me tight wat eva may
show me the only way
jst the way u did last sunday
just in case i bog down
perk me up cos its showdown
pick me up frm the underground
just the way u did the last dawn
just in case i fail today
donot hate me like the other day
i want u ,cum wat may
just the way i do everyday
just in case i die sumday
cos life takes its toll neway
remember me cum april cum may
just in case i fritter away....


runnin down the crooked lane
i try 2 catch a paper plane
stumble upon a marble stone
i fall down on my own
fallin frm a great height
i hit the bottom in utter fright
into the gutter of filth n smear
i cum to land in the valley of fear
it's the kingdom of bones n skulls
of crazy serpents n hazy falls
entwinin my whole bloody torso
the phantom lady tells sumthin which it foresaw
the day is near wen i ll tear
the book of my great old peers
frm the fire the phoenix rose
like a man frm drug overdose
i tried to run frm the valley of fear
scratchin my way outta dere
bt sumthin held the back of my vest
wen i tried 2 make a desperate quest
pantin n gaspin i arose
frm the nightmare cos of my diazepam dose
still thinkin wat dreams r all about
r they fr real or just only a tout??

in the zone....

in the zone of infidelity
cums the question of chastity
of vanity n of sanctity
in the zone of morality

in the zone of humanity
asketh a man with authority
wer is the humility??
n wer is the divinity??

in the zone of liability
no one sees with vigility
with audacity or with tenacity
in the zone of responsibility

in the zone of reality
irks a querie of validity
of solidity n of brevity
in the zone of beauty

in the zone of enmity
lurks the danger of fallibility
of immorality n of corruptibility
in the zone of atrocity

but,in the zone of fatality
everythin around is clarity
cos mind's free like gravity
in the zone of inevitability.....

a man's life...

a man's fight against destiny...against adversity...against the rush...against the darkest of forces...n against all the odds...ll he cum out trumps??? or ll he fall down???wat eva may...a real man fights n fights real hard...dere is no scope fr complacency...nothin can stop him...its like madness...its like an unstoppable force...a gladiator's realm!!the clash of swords n shields...the metallic armour...the uproar in the mob n the final ovation...yeh!!!dats a man's life....

the shooting star...

there's the shootin star
nose-divin at the speed of light
makin a huge projectile
falls sumwhere too far
i wish sumthin good
sumthin which cannot b understood
under its fairy-tale aura
i dream of the magnanimous astra
all my thoughts merge to one
as i think of her all alone
i open my eyes to start
a fabled journey to fetch the shootin star
i march thru woods thru planes n mountains
swim across sum turbulent fountains
drag myself in the dead heat
drive my soul on my bleedin feet
i strive n strive with no respite
bt cannot find the sign of a star's life
with a thud i breakdown
fall on the grass like a dead clown
i whisper sumthin n close my eyes
n stay dere like a block of ice
a feelin of warmth jerks me up
as i shudder to get myself up
those eyes i ll never forget
they are like pearls in god's closet
her body is like a silkworm's fret
everythin with her is jst perfect
i feel the warmth of her on me
her breath n odour wen she nurses me
in a fit of madness i embrace her
she pulls her back in terror
i apologise fr my misconduct
n thank her fr her benevolence
she forgives me n asks wat has brought me this far
with my head down i say,'to fetch a shootin star'
i ask her who she was n whr she was frm
she says that her name is gloria frm st.astrum
i ask her if she saw the shootin star
she nods n says it may b very far
chattin wid her the night faded away
soon the dawn gave away to a beautiful day
she began to feel drowsy
clumsy n sleepy in a very eerie way
i ask her wats the matter neway
she mutters that stars sleep durin the day!!
shocked to hell i watch my star
right infront on the golden chair
i watch her thru out the day
wait fr it to pass away
i hope fr the moon to rise
so that i can take away my possessed prize
soon the night sprinkles
she wakes up n twinkles
i smile to see her back frm her dreams
as i hold her in my ebony arms
like a prince charmin i take her away
n marry her on n eventful day
the moon the stars were all invitees
as i kiss her infront of the deities
in my story dere r no villains wat so ever
so we live very happily ever after....

a walk to remember...

o dear!!gimme sum space
its my life,
i dont wanna let it sink without a trace
life's been ruthless u knw
is it my destiny??i donno..
gimme the liberty to live
i knw sumthing's really gotta give
dont hurt me ne more
cos i can take pain no more
gimme the luv i crave for
its the only reason y i m here
i hv been raped many times
ll wait fr the sun to shine
o dear!!lundo the chains
free me..untie me..let me go of the bondage
i cant live with dis adage
i want to hop n juggle
show me the way outta dis puzzle
i want to go on fr ever
let me make dis 'a walk to remember'...

the sun...

i watch the settin sun thru my window n i think wat really makes it go down below the horizon...the next mornin i see the same sun shoot up like a fire balloon into the blue n i feel hw does it sink n rise in such a small span of time???the audacity with which it embarks its journey thruout the day is inspirin...its transition makes me feel envious...the sun makes me believe dat there is a universal law of again i thnk...if the sun is a part of nature so m i...if it sinks n rises so do i...i too hv the perseverance,the doggedness,the never say die attitude...i feel like the sun is within me...i can feel the aura...the halo...m waitin fr the transition ...the change...i feel like i can outshine neone netime...yes!!the sun is inside me...its my source of ATP...yeah!!i m 'THE SUN'.

this is gross...!!

wen i rite sumthin,i jst flex my forearms...loosen up...crackle my fingers...n jst spit it out...i jst letgo of my inhibitions my restraints n jst stamp my autograph on the paper...its my style...the sigma of a carefree bastard!!!no thoughts watsoever...its a prodigy i m born with n i ll die with it...i don care wat i write flatters u or strikes the sensitive chord of urs bt i care to rite wenever i want oppressions nothin...m the wizard of my own words...i don give a damn...i feel gud wen i m astray...i feel nerve endings tickle...oh!!wat a sensation...ya, m an egotist...full of madness...m a crazy crook...n i njoy bein the same...that is the difference betwn u n me...i widen the gap...i like to b ahead of the curve!! i crave fr deviations...contradictions...distractions...i feel detached...
i dont feel nothin
no shrieks frm within
no qualms abt nothin
no struggle no fightin
nothin jst nothin!!
oh fuck!!!wat m i writin....
u hv a problem with it??
go n puke out everythin!!!
before readin it jst beware frm the beginnin....


i m a geek underestimated
oh!!can never b satiated
can always b infuriated
n exaggerated!!
oh dear!!i wanna b nauseated
m gonna b mutilated
no laws nothin stated
i jst want wats cant b negotiated!!
leave me i m emaciated
i can no more b humiliated
under the moon i m obliviated
still i can never b tormented
cos i m devastated!!
lots of hope, may b futile
i may b infertile
an impotent exile
a journey nt worthwhile
sumthin flung lyk a projectile
can b a fuckin lifestyle!!
go get me back my innocence
i m more of a prudence
in the arena of god's forbiddence
i m the forebearer of his essence
cud the night drool away
cud i make my own way
there may b a lot of days
bt this way perfectly fits my fray....
its a long day is sit??neway,
nothin can ogle me wen i pray
i can't sow the seeds
bt can i reap the harvest feeds!!
i can certainly laugh it away
this place is a fuckin hot tray
i sumtimes spray the hay
sumtimes call it a day!!
bt the way is not my foray
call me wat u may
bt nt the utter dismay
the things i do define me neway...
i m the underdog gone astray
the last samurai of the independence day!!


with a rusty desert eagle .50
sultan trotted in the snow
with a bleedin arm n fractured finger
he waited fr the humdinger
night was dark n viciously cruel
he wasnt aware wats in store fr real
he sobbed thinkin of wat he had done
he knw all his frns were long gone
sittin down under a stalactite
he slept away the sly nite
in his sleep he had a dream
of cut-heads in a blood stream
palpitated n agitated he got up
feelin the pain bt numb in the shock
screams of agony, pain n terror
was all that he cud remember
with blood drenched hands
n a fluctuatin mind
he load the gun in no time
puttin the gun on his forehead
he asked god to forgive n forget
the sound of metal echoed the woods
as sultan fell flat near the brook....

the book of giles....

the book of giles
was way popular in the isles
they said it was written in flesh n blood
it was the book of the warlord
horror n terror made its preface
the index was full of nightmarish craze
stuffs of devastation described in stages
it was the book of 10000 pages
it was the connotation of wars
tales of bloody battles filled its chapters
no one had the access to its death gory
abt it everyone told a different story
they said it was a hydra headed monster
circastically true to its words n letters
no one had the guts to seek it
cos the warlord had slyly hid it
it was the unseen book
cursed n jinxed bt none never rebuked
cos deep down they knew
it was the book which helped them grow
no one ever dared to conquer
cos the book of giles was there impregnable armour
lots of legends come n go
bt the unseen,unread book of giles,
truly n silently protect the isles
lets not unravel the myth behind it
n leave the legend live n die with it...

across the universe...

the caress of the soothing wind
the gentle touch on my dimpled cheeks
the sprinkle of the nimbus clouds
across the universe

the swerving of the distant kite
the sparkling of the morning star
take my thoughts far far away
across the universe

the turbulence of a fickle-mind
the crackling of a newborn child
the gentle rays of the fine sunshine
across the universe

the romance of a luv's first kiss
the taste of a bitter-sweet success
flip my heart n take my soul
across the universe

the coin thats been tossed up high
the heart which longs for me neway
i ll wait fr it till i die
across the universe....

jay guru deva om.....
sumthing's gonna change my world
sumthing's gonna change my world...
jay guru deva......

its a poem dedicated to the legendary band BEATLES...
n their song "across the universe"
but i hv tried to put in my own words n feelings into it...
check out the original..its mesmerisin!!

the leaves...

strewn on the ground
the leaves try to fly
bt they dont knw the wind
its selfish n its sly
they r dry n pale,cos
they lost their greenery
in the hot summer trail
i pick one up
its brittle n its rough
put it in my diary
turn around n hop
a gust of dry wind
smack my face
those dry leaves
sway in the hot furnace
no strength watsoever
the might of the wind
ravage them over n over
i open my bag in a hurry
try to catch the leaves
under the nature's fury
o!!those helpless little twigs
i gather as much as i can
put them in my bag
until its over n done
i turn my feet back home
in a hurry i jog into my room
open my bag n i see
all the leaves hv got back there greenish hue
flabbergasted i drop my bag
wen a gust of wind
thrust me in my back
i fall on my bed
n there go the leaves outta my window
wid the unyieldin wind
till it makes them bite the ground
i ponder wat's nature tryin to say??
may be its the balance,that's
bein maintained neway
i open my diary to pick the helpless leaf
n i stood helpless watchin
as it too flew away in the windy streak...

an ode to a butterfly...

deep within my veins
i feel her in agony n pain
the anguish is starkly real
but,the luv has never been fragile
bleeding still bleeding
bt i m still survivin
the warmth of her affection
stirs my core emotions!!
the nite is ghastly cruel
m scared of its tormenting trial
tryin to sleep bt with vain
she overpowers my heart n my brain
lamenting still lamenting
over all those days wen she alone was fightin
i want to return back
bt the clock is incessantly ticking!!
time has brought me to the brink
my whole life stands on an eye's wink
i need her nw more than ever
want to luv her forever n ever
bt time as u knw is a vicious devil
watches over me with pinpoint vigil !!
i knw my dreams r soon to die
cos she is a butterfly n she will fly
to xplore the unchartered terrains
to find new flowers n make new frns...
my time has cum to say goodbye
to my only love before i die!!!!

behind the curtains...

behind the curtains...
she bears the countdown
with full spirit n steam
she awaits the final showdown
rise!!rise!! they scream
the thunder,the claps n
the incessant grin!!!
as the curtains give way
to a fairy
clad in diamonds n
a priceless ruby!!
dance!!dance!! they roar
thumpin their feet in mockery
bt she dances her way to unmatched glory
mesmerised r they petrified r they
as she performs to the tune of her own story
since her wee days she knew
a day wld cum wen the world wld croon
to the beats n taps of her indigenous tune...
nw there she is filled with honor
as,the verdict is pretty loud n clear
the ovation is jst overwhelming
as she bows down in that auspicious evenin....

if only...

if only life gives me a second chance
i wud do a lot of self-introspection
if only i have a premonition
i wud hv my retribution
if only....if only....
if only i find self-satisfaction
i wud end this unendin frustration
if only i fulfill my only ambition
i wud find all the solutions
if only....if only....
if only i find the reflection of my emotions
i wud hv my soul's salvation....
if only....

to my kindergarten frens.....

broodin on sumthin on my cot
i luk into my memory pot
i find u all at every stop
cos u all hover in my thoughts...
the chatter splatters across my window panes
ur smiles paint themselves on glass frames
the fights the frowns n the unendin games
show me the way to the past,friends??
the taste of luv n the bitterness of the same
the unity in times of frustration n bane
we stood by each other thru stife n strain
i ll remember dose days till i wane...
the fun the feelings stay on
its the clock dat is tickin on
its the world dat is movin on
bt dose innocent priceless times
help me to gather the memories divine...
lets keep knittin the threads of our relationship
cos we live n die over our never endin frenship....

autumn tweety....

its yellow everywhere
no greeneries nowhere
i stand n merely stare
oh! its slender n its rare...
its borne on a twig so fair
the wind sways it far n near
its the beauty so clear
the love of king faramir...
its the 'autumn tweety' they say
carved in thorns
its here to stay...
poison darts bow n crafts
made of its tensile parts
its the flower so tender
kills the enemy down under...
but come spring
come the days of zing
and the flower of 'gollum'
wilts in the sun n its mystic song...
the tales r a mere myth
the flower mocks in grief
its the king who dies
its the kingdom which suffices.....
again comes the autumn season
the rays reflect in mirrors n prisms
n again the 'autumn tweety' dances
when the new king crowns
n takes his mighty chances......

city of joy...

ohh !! luk there is a flash in the sky
says a beggar on the street near by
he shouts at the top of his voice
as the mob luks above without any choice
the thing comes pretty fast at them
as people all around start to run
the whiz of the object echoes the city
as it strikes the ground with tenacious atrocity
with the blink of an eye the flares strt to gobble
as the city burns to a crazy monstrous fireball
cries n whines flutter in the air
stinkin carcasses lie everywhere
far above an aircraft hovers
from within a voice stutters n shudders
the smoke below n clouds in front make him blind
as he strives to hustle n unwind
his blood goes cold to think of wat has he done
as he crashes into the mountains of doom
sumone sittin on his chair seein all dis
grins n says,"ah!! n nw its done..."

the white angel...

doctor doctor shouts the mother
as cries of her child echoes the corridor
no time to whine no time to think
the white angel is brought to the brink...
the pipes the tubes n the oxygen cylinder
rushed thru the doors of the operation theater
the eyes of the doctor meet the eyes of the mother
as the white angel enters the arena of death n gore
a little stich here a little cut there
he finishes the job with xtreme care
here comes the doctor with a smile of contentment
as the mother luks at him in utter amazement
she bursts into tears of gratitude n debt
as she kisses the hands of god without any fret......
doctor doctor cries sumone's kin
as he rushes into his world again
no time to whine no time to think
the white angel is brought to the brink...........

to SACHIN TENDULKAR....the gr8test batsman to hv graced the ground.....

wen the sun is still red on the horizon
the white gulls fly away to their destination
on a green turf a thump is heard
that thunders n roars far away into the stands
the far cry the uproar n the ceremonious trumpet
the pause the stir n the menacing wrath
the dance the swing n the followthru
n it lands in the deep dungeons of the rival crew
hit it!! belt it!! the mob cries
as the " the little master" towers the angry skies
the stance the composure n the nudge down the ground
n again the killer blow rite out of the oval ground
it goes on till the dead of the nite
wen the sun is gone n the moon is bright
"the god" falters at the brink of victory
as his fight goes down as the finest in history
THE CREATOR exclaims ,"wat a character !! wat a man !!"
as the gladiator walks away to the hall of fame......


ahhhh!!! says my soul
wen i self-inflict my body
its nt the pain which pains
bt its the sense of self disdain
no tears no fears
i luk arnd n its all sneers
its poetry all arnd
bt i hear no sound....
no memory nothin
its the paradise dat is lost frm within
cruel life it is
bt i feel no torment
no past no present
the future awaits with
a hauntin conspirin silence
bt i hv no hopes no thrills
cos the doors to dem r sealed
the will is long gone
nothin to do or can b done
its my soul which says ,"aaaahh m alone"!!


the lands r dry
the leaves r wry
our feet gets burned
on the grey mountain stone
ours fates r cursed
we bites the dust
n we weeps to b so alone...

we feels the streams
the pools the springs
we also feels the rains
the whisper the dreams

but,the rock n pool is nice n cool
so cold to feet...
and we only wish
to catch a fish
so juicy sweettttt....

my preciousss...

wen the sun is gone
n the moon is shun
it gives us light
n hides our fright
it shines n whines
it gives us signs...
it helps us it saves us
it never betrays us
they say its treacherous
bt its my own my luv my preciousss!!
n its ours
n ours it is!!!

spirited away.....

there was a boy named walter
all he knew was to serve his master
day in n day out he toiled
to earn some food n a few firewood
birds n beasts were his companions
he sang to dem in his seclusion
he had no complaints no criticisms
such was his heart,as clear as a prism
one day while wanderin in the woods
he delved into a hermits hood
he walked into it like a fortune seeker
not carin fr the predicament there after
the place was soddy dull n dark
with skull n bones n hermit crab
with no fear in heart nor mind he marched
limped n jumped n hopped forward
passed a cave passed a tunnel
the journey thru the never endin channel
then,he saw a light which was burnin bright
flames of all hue sprinkled alight
he ran n ran bt cudnt reach the other end
they were like two points on the divider end
tired n wretched he fell flat
on elbows n knees n his bare back
still he wriggled n writhed n romped forward
cos he had never learnt to luk backward
finally he fell asleep in the mystical haven
n dreamt of an old woman on a golden unicorn
she whispered sumthin in his tender ears
as his eyes squeezed a few drops of tears
an ethereal smile decorated his face
as he spirited away on her golden tress.......

apocalypse....the new eon

wen the gloom creeps
into the forests of the world
and the hustle of the wind
smites your bruised face
wen the angry sea roars
with the vengeance of maltazard
and the mountains crack
and tumble into the grand canyons
wen the darkness looms large
on the fate of humanity
and the ruffle of a boot
sends shivers thru the universe
i pray to THEE
under the sacred peepal tree
with no worries n no fear
i bind to HIM
thru a chord so dear....
i can see HIM
i can feel HIM
i can stand still n imbibe HIS thots
n merge with HIM at every spot....
it is this wen the sun fades away
n the moon dives into the darkness of the day
n into this ocean of emptiness
the earth floats away.....

All Izz Well....

the honest way to cheat/rob is to do it in an uninhibited way,no scare,no constraints,no if u r caught den wat?? huh!! den waaat??? probs...i ll tell ya...there r no rules in cheatin bt dere r a few to help u escape if u r caught...
rule 1..take a deep breath,crackle ur fingers n neck,luk all around bt with vigil...n den run amok!!!
rule 2..carry a gun bt with only 2 false if above n one make sure dere r no casualties...
rule 3..make up stories
rule 4..vanish into thin air
rule 5..take sumone as hostage
rule away in ur own chartered plane
rule 7..bribe the police
rule 8..pray to god
rule 9..swallow a cyanide pill

But if u hvnt got ne of the 1st 9 options... den remember rule no 10....the most important one,
""jst b calm and tap ur heart gently n say All Izz Well....."" den,
everything ll fall into place.......cheers!!!


on an august chilly nite
wen time turns its tide
we embark on a new dawn
at the inception of a novel expedition...

we hail the new era
celebrate its alluring aurora
capture its fantastic frames
at the inception of the unending trends...

the changin times lie ahead
as we walk on a path less tread
but the challenge has got its deft solution
at the inception of our very own evolution...

but i wish to dream away
wen i close my eyes today
to a beautiful place farfaraway
at the inception of my newly found joy.......

lets welcum the new year n the new decade with open arms n a clear unmaligned heart.......


today is a great day my frns...cos today we begin afresh...we cater to new horizons...we reach beyond our limits...we fight our fears...n most importantly we learn to survive...the winds of change r mysterious...their is a veil obliviating our still march on folks!!...cos the distance we traverse r measured by the adventures we encounter...Frens,today of all days is a day of reckoning...its a whisper which can thunder in times to cums wid a msg,"watever we can, we must" much fr the love n sacrifices of our forefathers...the flags of our forefathers sway in these winds of change...n its us who must carry dem across distant today my frens is not only a day after yesterday but a day bfore 2moro too...cherish it!!...muster all ur strength...gather all ur positive spirits...n embrace a new beginning...let the carnival begin...unleash all the inhibitions...n let today b the spark which kindles the fiery chasm of pomp n prosperity...hip hip hurray!!!