Monday, January 4, 2010

the golden mouse...

once upon a time
long long ago
two friends were
partners in crime

one was shrewd
full of zeal
other was shy
no more than a nerd

one fine morning
they started to think
about there new heist
an idea started to zing

they planned to steal
sumthing priceless
sumthin ethereal
under sum rich man's heel

they broke into the house
in the dead of the night
searched the house
for 'the golden mouse'

they found the treasure
then suddenly a sound
they both ran
without takin half measure

they ran n ran
found a place to conceal
bide there time
n said' it was fun'

then they opened the box
but couldnt believe it
there was no mouse
but an' wooden ox'

filled with rage
frustrated wid anger
threw the ox
into the ocean down under

the wooden ox
trotted into the sea
reached the bottom
hit a rock

the wooden ox flipped
from inside came out
'the golden mouse' that quipped

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